After being in 2 very serious / long term relationships before ever getting married to my wonderful husband, I assumed that marriage would be exactly the same as living with someone. It would have the same joys like waking up late on a Sunday; going out to different events; sharing the triumphs, responsibilities and hardships; and of course making love with an ease that only comes with a partner you truly know.
I also assumed it would come with the same difficulties like the challenge of always having someone in your space; having to compromise on so many little things that eventually they become big things; stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night only to fall into the loo because he forgot to put the seat down; and of course the monotony of making love with a partner you truly know!
Instead what I have found is something I was totally unprepared for. Marriage, that little piece of paper, has given to me the gift of Spiritual love and partnership. The kind of love where all the good things are seen through a magnifying glass and where all the negatives seem as small as grains of sand. The gift came with the added bonus of patience, understanding and a true friendship with my partner. on't get me wrong the challenges are still presented by the universe and yes I have had the joy of a wet ass in the wee hours of the morning due to a toilet seat being left up but somehow it all seems like just another excuse for us to learn and grow and become closer rather than an anoyance that has me wishing for Tim Mcraw to come and whisk me away.
Perhaps it is that I am older now or maybe it really was saying those vows and meaning every word..... Who knows?
What I do know, is that for me, marriage is far more than a piece of paper. It is me as the best version of my self and a bond that stretches far further than just the fact that we dwell in the same location and share a few similarities.
I will always hold my first love close to my heart and thank my second love for all he taught me but it is my husband who I hope to spend eternity with and who I thank the God and Goddess for each and every day.
Eric: Thank you darling for being such a great husband and for allowing me to find the greatest part of my soul through our marriage.
Love you!