Well it has been 3 years on the infertility road and it continues to sprawl out in front of us with no end in sight.
Most days i find I can stay very positive about the future and firm in the belief that one day I will experience the joy of being a Mom but today is one of the down days. A day when I just feel like putting this all behind me, closing the door and getting on with life as it is rather than how I hope it will be. Living in a constant limbo of "when we have a baby OR when I am pregnant" is a soul sucking energy vampire that is constantly sitting on my shoulder.
At the moment we are going through testing and medication changes to prepare for our first (and hopefully only) round of IVF but today I found out that things still aren't correct with my hormones and I will need another medication change, another 3 weeks of waiting and another blood test to see if my hormone levels are correct enough to even start the IVF process. It is so disheartening and while this isn't really a major set back it was,for me, the straw that broke the camels back. LOTS OF CRYING< AND SCREAMING!!!!!
I cried, and screamed and picked a fight with my husband and just so badly wanted to get off this God aweful roller coaster they call infertility.
If it were only me involved I think I would call it a day and spend my time coming to terms with not having a child but it isn't just me and so for the man I love I am writing this to try and get rid of the bad feelings and be ready to put on my brave face again before he returns home.
It may seem crazy to vent about something so personal in a forum that is so public but it seems to work for me and to be honest I can't talk to friends about this as most of them think I'm crazy for wanting a child anyway.
This truly is the most horrible experience of my life which is saying a lot as there has been some really shitty moments in the past but I shall take a deep breath, shake off the gloom and pray.
On the upside all this heartache has confirmed to me that God is real and is a man as only a man could sacrifice his own son and then inflict all this pain on the rest of his children.
F**k God, f**k fertility and f**k all the people who read this and get pissed off. I'm pissed off too and it is my blog so there!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Getting Away For Some Boy Time

Life out here on the east coast has been good so far. Summer arrived over night and the days have been hovering around 20-23 with cool nights which is always great.
Here's a little story I'm sure you'll appreciate due to your love of fishing/outdoors...
So we live about 15 minutes from a small town in New Brunswick and on just over 100 acres of land. At the bottom of our property is a really cute river that the locals fish for trout in. There are lots of trees to give dappled shade on a hot day and the banks back up to the road are steep so not many people venture down. At the end of last week our neighbour and friend Matt really needed some down time. His house is filled with women (wife, 2 daughters and a niece) all living with him and all talking his ear off 24/7 !
Poor Matt decided that the peace and quiet of the river was exactly what he needed so he decided to wander down the hill and get away from it all. Matt packed up his rod and tackle box, added a few necessities (beer) and headed off for some "boy time".The sun was shining, the bugs have yet to arrive in full force and the birds were singing in the trees. It was just what he needed.
After a couple of hours and not a fish in sight, he packed up the gear and started to walk along the river bank to the road so he wouldn't have to climb the steep bank. He strolled along without a care in the world but as he rounded the corner he saw a small black fluff ball playing at the waters edge..."Oh shit" was the first thing through his mind so he very quietly turned and walked back the way he came. After walking for a while and not hearing anything he glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see that the bear cub had followed him at a distance. Now the the only thing Matt thought was "oh f**k".
The moment Matt saw the cub it let out a cry and as if by magic Mama could be heard crashing though the bush towards them.
Matt (who has a very bad leg from a loader accident and has a hard time even walking) launched himself 4 ft in the air and hid behind a thorny bush praying the bear wouldn't see him.Luckily Mama bear only saw her cub and left Matt to sit in the bushes until both Mom and cub were long done.
Well the story ends with Matt having to pull thorns out of his bum for the remainder of the day BUT the moral of the story is...
Females are everywhere, you can't get away from us and one way or another, somehow we end up being a pain in the ass!
True story!
(but as always names have been changed to protect the innocent and the embarrassed).
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Could I feel at home in the city?

After spending time in Calgary and Vancouver last week I was left thinking about living in or close to a city again. I find I am attracted to the hustle and bustle, the opportunity to explore some new restaurant, shop or neighbourhood. Weekends could be filled with thumbing through obscure novels at the latest book shop, listening to live music, or meeting up with friends for drinks at our favorite haunts.
On the other hand the city is also a lonely place that sprawls from one area to the next repeating its plastic box houses, flashing its neon lights at you and begging you to spend the last dime on your credit card for the next must have item...only to realize it is already out of fashion.
There are trails through the subdivisions that provide dog walkers, joggers, and a few "Yummy Mommies" a visual reprieve from city life and yet the illusion is destroyed by the hum of car engines 2 blocks away and the piercing cry of a police siren that shatters the falsified serenity of this urban nature trail.
Yes the city is a melding pot of contradictions and I am left wondering where, if at all I could fit in.
My friends have each found their individual niche, found a place that they feel welcomed so why is it I feel I never could again.
I am a wife and hopefully soon a mother so a natural start on this quest may be with the "Yummies". Perhaps they would embrace me into their fold....but I am a little pudgy, political and opinionated about what is right for my family and I am certainly not into $4000.00 designer cribs or fashion label work out gear that no one ever breaks a sweat in so I fear our relationship would come to a very abrupt end.
Perhaps I could start a running class with JoJo and work up to becoming a full on weekend warrior...but I love to spend Sunday mornings curled up in bed with my husband and while jogging is fun I am simply not competitive enough to ever go from jogger to "Runner".
Maybe I have been looking to much at the physical and I should look into finding a political cause or charity to infiltrate...but the granola do-gooders would soon shun a happily addicted shoe collector like myself and the more straight laced hard asses would gasp at my Spiritual hoodoo voodoo beliefs and free love outlook on life.
So the question remains where could I fit in within a city?
.... And the answer remains the same as always: With my loving but crazy husband, with my soul sister and BFF, and with my four legged animals that make anywhere and everywhere home!
On the other hand the city is also a lonely place that sprawls from one area to the next repeating its plastic box houses, flashing its neon lights at you and begging you to spend the last dime on your credit card for the next must have item...only to realize it is already out of fashion.
There are trails through the subdivisions that provide dog walkers, joggers, and a few "Yummy Mommies" a visual reprieve from city life and yet the illusion is destroyed by the hum of car engines 2 blocks away and the piercing cry of a police siren that shatters the falsified serenity of this urban nature trail.
Yes the city is a melding pot of contradictions and I am left wondering where, if at all I could fit in.
My friends have each found their individual niche, found a place that they feel welcomed so why is it I feel I never could again.
I am a wife and hopefully soon a mother so a natural start on this quest may be with the "Yummies". Perhaps they would embrace me into their fold....but I am a little pudgy, political and opinionated about what is right for my family and I am certainly not into $4000.00 designer cribs or fashion label work out gear that no one ever breaks a sweat in so I fear our relationship would come to a very abrupt end.
Perhaps I could start a running class with JoJo and work up to becoming a full on weekend warrior...but I love to spend Sunday mornings curled up in bed with my husband and while jogging is fun I am simply not competitive enough to ever go from jogger to "Runner".
Maybe I have been looking to much at the physical and I should look into finding a political cause or charity to infiltrate...but the granola do-gooders would soon shun a happily addicted shoe collector like myself and the more straight laced hard asses would gasp at my Spiritual hoodoo voodoo beliefs and free love outlook on life.
So the question remains where could I fit in within a city?
.... And the answer remains the same as always: With my loving but crazy husband, with my soul sister and BFF, and with my four legged animals that make anywhere and everywhere home!
Poem - Spiritual Evolution
We all agreed with Michael Stipe when he said
I’m Losing My Religion,
but God is rampant in our government
the Golden Globes and in our prisons.
I’m Losing My Religion,
but God is rampant in our government
the Golden Globes and in our prisons.
For $29.95 you can buy the answers
buy The Secret,
positive thinking, Dr, Phil, the bible
the sources all seem perfect.
We are starving for some guidance
for morality and faith,
search the net, scour the mall
look to some paranormal state.
for morality and faith,
search the net, scour the mall
look to some paranormal state.
How is it in this time of science
education and free speech,
enlightenment and wisdom
elude our greedy reach.
We are begging for a prophet,
a guru, a saint,
but we will demonize and persecute
then ask her to repent.
We want our Sheppard to have a penis
God forbid the sacred vagina
For a woman with a mind
Must have the devils spawn inside her
Are we hopeless? Condemned?
Unworthy of absolution?,
or are we merely children of God
Living out our Spiritual Evolution?
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