Thursday, June 28, 2007
Out of the Distractions & into the Silence
For any one that has read and practiced The Artists Way you will remember the exercise in voiding your self of all distractions (TV, Books, Radio). The thought is that by irradiating the outside distraction you can more clearly see yourself and find your creativity.
I read the start of the book a few years ago (thanks to a kind friend that gave me a copy) and when I got to this part, the part where I give up my distractions, I closed the book, put it on my shelf and didn't go back to it again....until now.
The thought of giving up my regular TV shows seemed harder than giving up air.
What would I do to relax? What would I spend time doing in the evenings?
It just seemed pointless!
Here I am years later and I find I am now in the position of having given up the TV (now on my fifth day).
Eric had given up TV a couple of years ago and found that while he missed it at first it forced him to look for other, more creative and productive ways to spend his time. This ended as we got cable when I moved in and he slipped back into watching the box in the evenings with me. We have been talking about getting rid of it for some time but I kept delaying it. Finally a few days ago I made the call to have them put our service on hold (just in case I wanted it back) and now I am living in the silence.
The first 2 days were fine as we were busy (plus we rented movies) but after the third and now fourth day I found myself in a complete funk and missing the constant noise of my TV Mistress.
As I work and create from home I can go days only having contact with Eric and the odd call to a friend so the noise of the TV in the back ground while I painted would provide me with a sense of connection with the outside world. With that gone, I found myself yesterday sinking into a depression and feelings of loneliness even feelings of abandonment from my friend the TV.
I am happy to say that this morning I have been able to take a little bit of a step back and find my center again, leaving yesterdays absurdities in the past. While I am sure that my longing for the company of the box will resume periodically, I now feel it is at least worth giving this addiction of mine a well earned break.
The time is currently 9:50 am and in the past all I would of done by this time is get Eric off to work, check email and watch the news (on TV) but this morning I have had coffee with Eric and sent him off to work, checked the news on line, checked email, read a chapter of the book my Granddad wrote many years ago, fiddled in my garden a little, played with the dogs and written in here. I must admit that I feel quite accomplished. How on earth did I waste so much time???
While I am not yet ready to give up all distractions, like books and radio, to further deepen my creative essence and follow the Artists Way, I do feel I am walking a necessary path of becoming comfortable with the silence of the outside world and growing accustomed to only hearing my own breath and thoughts.
It leads me to wonder if my creations will change in any way????
Perhaps it was best said by Confucius "Silence is the true friend that never betrays."
Please wish me luck with this experiment of mine...& Eric as he has to put up with me :-)
Blessed be, Love and light
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark
I just started reading the very popular book "The Expected One" and one of the first lines in the book refers to the saying "The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark". It is a saying I have heard often in the Spiritual community and is often used by my very wise and wonderful Dad but one that I hadn't thought about much for quite some time.
Today the phrase keeps repeating in my conscience and playing at the edge of my thoughts.
"The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark"
Have you noticed that the closer you are to your most true and centered self the more challenges you face and the more your faith in humanity, your self or your beliefs is tested?
I have and I find it almost comical at times when I can step outside of myself and feel so in touch due to some revelation or the overcoming of some obstacle only to find that I am so busy feeling proud of myself that I haven't noticed I am still running full tilt at the next hurdle with no time left to leap.
Within this simple saying I find great comfort. It is when I shine my brightest that I am often faced with the trickiest of situations or the most challenging of personalities but it also when I am at my strongest and my most receptive.
I think their is a lot of truth to the saying "The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark" but I also feel it is important to understand that the dark is often the misunderstood, the feared and the wounded. At our brightest moments we are given the strength to reach out to those in their darkest moments and share Loves light. Our gift is not only our own but a responsibility to reach out.
Shine bright dear hearts!
Blessed Be, Love and Light
Today the phrase keeps repeating in my conscience and playing at the edge of my thoughts.
"The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark"
Have you noticed that the closer you are to your most true and centered self the more challenges you face and the more your faith in humanity, your self or your beliefs is tested?
I have and I find it almost comical at times when I can step outside of myself and feel so in touch due to some revelation or the overcoming of some obstacle only to find that I am so busy feeling proud of myself that I haven't noticed I am still running full tilt at the next hurdle with no time left to leap.
Within this simple saying I find great comfort. It is when I shine my brightest that I am often faced with the trickiest of situations or the most challenging of personalities but it also when I am at my strongest and my most receptive.
I think their is a lot of truth to the saying "The Lightest Light Attracts the Darkest Dark" but I also feel it is important to understand that the dark is often the misunderstood, the feared and the wounded. At our brightest moments we are given the strength to reach out to those in their darkest moments and share Loves light. Our gift is not only our own but a responsibility to reach out.
Shine bright dear hearts!
Blessed Be, Love and Light
Friday, June 22, 2007
My Friend, My Partner, My Rock
Over the last couple of days I have had some interesting insights into my soul but none of these clarifications of self could of been so clear had I not been able to share them with my husband. The honest and open communication that we share is so refreshing and is without judgment. In the moments that I share my inner most feelings and thoughts with him I experience a freedom that I normally only feel when galloping a horse at full tilt.
It is the same power,connection, and trust.
Somehow everything becomes clearer when I share with him without reserve. All the words in my mind start to form cohesive sentences and memories shrouded in years of dust burst into the light and are seen for what they really are.
The best part of an experience like this is lying in his arms afterwards. Feeling our breathing synchronize and my emotional exhaustion subside. He is as comforting as slipping into the moon lit lake on a hot summers night and for this I am eternally grateful.
Thank you my love, for being my friend, my partner, my rock.
It is the same power,connection, and trust.
Somehow everything becomes clearer when I share with him without reserve. All the words in my mind start to form cohesive sentences and memories shrouded in years of dust burst into the light and are seen for what they really are.
The best part of an experience like this is lying in his arms afterwards. Feeling our breathing synchronize and my emotional exhaustion subside. He is as comforting as slipping into the moon lit lake on a hot summers night and for this I am eternally grateful.
Thank you my love, for being my friend, my partner, my rock.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
See Me Online
I have a very basic website started where you can view a few examples of my art and listen to some of my songs. Please click here to come on by and check it out.
Feedback is always welcomed.
Happy weekend!
Feedback is always welcomed.
Happy weekend!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"Often we judge societies on how they treat their children but what we should do is base it on how they treat their women, as they are the care givers of the societies future."
Eric Frazier (My husband)
I will warn that there may be a lot of speaking from my soap box in this post. My tidal wave of emotion has been building for a few days or maybe for a few years but I feel calm enough this morning to put into words some of the thoughts and emotions that have plagued me.
A few days ago I watched a documentary called "Sex Slaves" about poverty stricken Eastern European women being kidnapped and trafficked across Europe and North America as sex slaves. The women had no choice in these situations. They often went to other countries after being promised legitimate jobs in hotels or restaurants only to find out that they had been sold to a pimp and that their life was now not their own to control.
The women were raped, beaten, mortally threatened, and treated with the same care and contempt as a cow at a slaughter house. These poor unsuspecting women were forced into servicing up to 15 men per day and living in constant fear for their lives.
I wondered why they wouldn't run or fight for their lives and then I found out that they were never once left alone, but were shuttled from a barred hotel room to the room of the next John and then back to their hotel room jail. Many had children back home and large families who the pimps would threaten to kill if the girls tried to escape or didn't comply. The lucky ones would be sent home when they were too old or used to earn their captors more money. They returned home beaten, broken, and in many cases dying of HIV or other untreated sexually transmitted diseases.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that one of the largest traffickers of these women was also a woman.
A couple of months ago I read the biography of Ayann Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman now living in the USA. She denounced her Muslim religion and has been estranged from her family since escaping to the Netherlands on her way to her arranged marriage to a man living in Canada. She spoke of the treatment of women in her culture and of the female circumcision that she and her sister endured as children. How her clitoris and vaginal lips were sliced from her body and how she was sewn closed with only a small hole left in her genitalia so that urine could drip through the opening.
After this she was considered "clean" and "pure" as if she had been born with some sort of demonic presence living in her vagina.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that it is often the older generations of women that carry on these barbaric rituals and beliefs.
Two years ago I saw the movie "Water" that is the story of a young Indian girl,who, at the age of seven, ends up in a house of widows because the husband she had been married to had died, he was old and sick. Widows in India live in poverty begging on the streets and being looked at as cursed due to the death of their husbands. They are now garbage unworthy of being re-married and often ended up having to sell their bodies to earn enough money to save themselves from starving to death.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that other women are often so fearful of being cursed by the same widows fate that they turn a blind eye and shun these women rather than reaching out to them with food and kindness.
These are only three stories out of thousands that tell of the hardships that women face around the world and how in many cases it is other women that are participating in the neglect, abuse and demoralization of their sisters.
Many of us are horrified the moment we hear of such a thing but then forget about it as we think of it as happening in far away countries not here in our middle class suburban paradise.
You are wrong. Atrocities towards women take place in all cultures and even the little things we do can impact the women in our lives.
You need to ask yourself how you betray your sisters on a daily basis:
How many times have you talked shit about a friend behind her back to gain favor with someone else or slept with another womans husband, thinking how stupid that woman must be not to be able to keep her man at home?
How many times have you stepped on a woman in your career so that you may get ahead and felt proud that you can make it in this "mans world"?
How many times have you looked down your nose at the woman in the shelter trying to house her child while working all hours God gave her and still not making ends meet?
How many times have you felt sickened by the sight of a whore on the street or the junkie in the alley....only wishing someone would "clean up" the area so that you didn't have to see it while drinking your latte and driving in your car.
We've all done it at times. We have played the part of the catty, back-stabbing woman, the self righteous bitch who thinks she is better than the woman next to her, and the girl who is left feeling lonely and ashamed that she isn't as good as her "friend", her neighbor, her coworker.
Somehow as women we have fallen into the trap of blaming other women for our misfortune or our circumstance and then passed on the torture to another women somehow cleansing our selves of our own experience. WE (women) have perpetuated the myths about women not being as capable as men and WE (women) have supported the media in their campaign that women are never thin enough, young enough, or beautiful enough. It has to stop. Women have to unite together and support one another in our own countries so that we may stand united to combat the atrocities being inflicted on the women in other parts of the world.
What kind of lesson are we teaching our daughters when they witness our indifference to the plight of women around the world? And what do we teach them by pining over air brushed photos in magazines? What do you think your daughter will learn by hearing you gossip about another woman you saw at the park? Or what she will take to heart when given a doll that looks like a 6 year old hooker with a belly shirt and sparkling eye make up?
We have a responsibility to our sisters, our mothers , our daughters, and our friends. It is time that women come together to change the way that women are treated in our country and all over the world. You can start by changing the little things you do and by finding a way to educate your self to the circumstances of women everywhere.
The time is now!
The abuse must stop!
Eric Frazier (My husband)
I will warn that there may be a lot of speaking from my soap box in this post. My tidal wave of emotion has been building for a few days or maybe for a few years but I feel calm enough this morning to put into words some of the thoughts and emotions that have plagued me.
A few days ago I watched a documentary called "Sex Slaves" about poverty stricken Eastern European women being kidnapped and trafficked across Europe and North America as sex slaves. The women had no choice in these situations. They often went to other countries after being promised legitimate jobs in hotels or restaurants only to find out that they had been sold to a pimp and that their life was now not their own to control.
The women were raped, beaten, mortally threatened, and treated with the same care and contempt as a cow at a slaughter house. These poor unsuspecting women were forced into servicing up to 15 men per day and living in constant fear for their lives.
I wondered why they wouldn't run or fight for their lives and then I found out that they were never once left alone, but were shuttled from a barred hotel room to the room of the next John and then back to their hotel room jail. Many had children back home and large families who the pimps would threaten to kill if the girls tried to escape or didn't comply. The lucky ones would be sent home when they were too old or used to earn their captors more money. They returned home beaten, broken, and in many cases dying of HIV or other untreated sexually transmitted diseases.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that one of the largest traffickers of these women was also a woman.
A couple of months ago I read the biography of Ayann Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman now living in the USA. She denounced her Muslim religion and has been estranged from her family since escaping to the Netherlands on her way to her arranged marriage to a man living in Canada. She spoke of the treatment of women in her culture and of the female circumcision that she and her sister endured as children. How her clitoris and vaginal lips were sliced from her body and how she was sewn closed with only a small hole left in her genitalia so that urine could drip through the opening.
After this she was considered "clean" and "pure" as if she had been born with some sort of demonic presence living in her vagina.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that it is often the older generations of women that carry on these barbaric rituals and beliefs.
Two years ago I saw the movie "Water" that is the story of a young Indian girl,who, at the age of seven, ends up in a house of widows because the husband she had been married to had died, he was old and sick. Widows in India live in poverty begging on the streets and being looked at as cursed due to the death of their husbands. They are now garbage unworthy of being re-married and often ended up having to sell their bodies to earn enough money to save themselves from starving to death.
By the end I found my self crying and disgusted with human kind. Worst of all was knowing that other women are often so fearful of being cursed by the same widows fate that they turn a blind eye and shun these women rather than reaching out to them with food and kindness.
These are only three stories out of thousands that tell of the hardships that women face around the world and how in many cases it is other women that are participating in the neglect, abuse and demoralization of their sisters.
Many of us are horrified the moment we hear of such a thing but then forget about it as we think of it as happening in far away countries not here in our middle class suburban paradise.
You are wrong. Atrocities towards women take place in all cultures and even the little things we do can impact the women in our lives.
You need to ask yourself how you betray your sisters on a daily basis:
How many times have you talked shit about a friend behind her back to gain favor with someone else or slept with another womans husband, thinking how stupid that woman must be not to be able to keep her man at home?
How many times have you stepped on a woman in your career so that you may get ahead and felt proud that you can make it in this "mans world"?
How many times have you looked down your nose at the woman in the shelter trying to house her child while working all hours God gave her and still not making ends meet?
How many times have you felt sickened by the sight of a whore on the street or the junkie in the alley....only wishing someone would "clean up" the area so that you didn't have to see it while drinking your latte and driving in your car.
We've all done it at times. We have played the part of the catty, back-stabbing woman, the self righteous bitch who thinks she is better than the woman next to her, and the girl who is left feeling lonely and ashamed that she isn't as good as her "friend", her neighbor, her coworker.
Somehow as women we have fallen into the trap of blaming other women for our misfortune or our circumstance and then passed on the torture to another women somehow cleansing our selves of our own experience. WE (women) have perpetuated the myths about women not being as capable as men and WE (women) have supported the media in their campaign that women are never thin enough, young enough, or beautiful enough. It has to stop. Women have to unite together and support one another in our own countries so that we may stand united to combat the atrocities being inflicted on the women in other parts of the world.
What kind of lesson are we teaching our daughters when they witness our indifference to the plight of women around the world? And what do we teach them by pining over air brushed photos in magazines? What do you think your daughter will learn by hearing you gossip about another woman you saw at the park? Or what she will take to heart when given a doll that looks like a 6 year old hooker with a belly shirt and sparkling eye make up?
We have a responsibility to our sisters, our mothers , our daughters, and our friends. It is time that women come together to change the way that women are treated in our country and all over the world. You can start by changing the little things you do and by finding a way to educate your self to the circumstances of women everywhere.
The time is now!
The abuse must stop!
Friday, June 1, 2007
May the Angels be Rock Stars and Heaven be a Open Road
A name from the past came rushing back to me last week when I found out that a friend from my home town was killed in a motor cycle accident.
Lee was always a party animal who loved metal music, a good time with friends and nothing more than jumping on his bike and pushing his own limits. He was a person who had a good heart and would do anything to help a friend in need and that is what I will remember most about him. It has been many years since I spent any time with Lee but back in the day we ran with he same crowd and got in far to much trouble together. The memories came flooding back as I heard the sad news and some how I think only more will penetrate my mind as the reality of this loss sinks in.
Though I feel for Lee's family and friends and add my grief to their tears, I am mostly glad that I just got to know him and share a little of his life. That I got to walk the halls of Shuswap school with him, eat Christine's grilled cheese and jam sandwiches with him, see TJ Hooker (the live version) with him, Party at his Dad's place during the Spring Break that I will never forget, enjoy nights at canoe beach with him, and all the dances that we went to with the rest of our friends.
Lee lived and died doing what he loved and I only hope that we can all be so lucky.
Lee, my friend, I hope that you find peace where ever you are, that the angels are rock stars, and that heaven is a open road!
Blessed be, love and light
Lee was always a party animal who loved metal music, a good time with friends and nothing more than jumping on his bike and pushing his own limits. He was a person who had a good heart and would do anything to help a friend in need and that is what I will remember most about him. It has been many years since I spent any time with Lee but back in the day we ran with he same crowd and got in far to much trouble together. The memories came flooding back as I heard the sad news and some how I think only more will penetrate my mind as the reality of this loss sinks in.
Though I feel for Lee's family and friends and add my grief to their tears, I am mostly glad that I just got to know him and share a little of his life. That I got to walk the halls of Shuswap school with him, eat Christine's grilled cheese and jam sandwiches with him, see TJ Hooker (the live version) with him, Party at his Dad's place during the Spring Break that I will never forget, enjoy nights at canoe beach with him, and all the dances that we went to with the rest of our friends.
Lee lived and died doing what he loved and I only hope that we can all be so lucky.
Lee, my friend, I hope that you find peace where ever you are, that the angels are rock stars, and that heaven is a open road!
Blessed be, love and light
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