For any one that has read and practiced The Artists Way you will remember the exercise in voiding your self of all distractions (TV, Books, Radio). The thought is that by irradiating the outside distraction you can more clearly see yourself and find your creativity.
I read the start of the book a few years ago (thanks to a kind friend that gave me a copy) and when I got to this part, the part where I give up my distractions, I closed the book, put it on my shelf and didn't go back to it again....until now.
The thought of giving up my regular TV shows seemed harder than giving up air.
What would I do to relax? What would I spend time doing in the evenings?
It just seemed pointless!
Here I am years later and I find I am now in the position of having given up the TV (now on my fifth day).
Eric had given up TV a couple of years ago and found that while he missed it at first it forced him to look for other, more creative and productive ways to spend his time. This ended as we got cable when I moved in and he slipped back into watching the box in the evenings with me. We have been talking about getting rid of it for some time but I kept delaying it. Finally a few days ago I made the call to have them put our service on hold (just in case I wanted it back) and now I am living in the silence.
The first 2 days were fine as we were busy (plus we rented movies) but after the third and now fourth day I found myself in a complete funk and missing the constant noise of my TV Mistress.
As I work and create from home I can go days only having contact with Eric and the odd call to a friend so the noise of the TV in the back ground while I painted would provide me with a sense of connection with the outside world. With that gone, I found myself yesterday sinking into a depression and feelings of loneliness even feelings of abandonment from my friend the TV.
I am happy to say that this morning I have been able to take a little bit of a step back and find my center again, leaving yesterdays absurdities in the past. While I am sure that my longing for the company of the box will resume periodically, I now feel it is at least worth giving this addiction of mine a well earned break.
The time is currently 9:50 am and in the past all I would of done by this time is get Eric off to work, check email and watch the news (on TV) but this morning I have had coffee with Eric and sent him off to work, checked the news on line, checked email, read a chapter of the book my Granddad wrote many years ago, fiddled in my garden a little, played with the dogs and written in here. I must admit that I feel quite accomplished. How on earth did I waste so much time???
While I am not yet ready to give up all distractions, like books and radio, to further deepen my creative essence and follow the Artists Way, I do feel I am walking a necessary path of becoming comfortable with the silence of the outside world and growing accustomed to only hearing my own breath and thoughts.
It leads me to wonder if my creations will change in any way????
Perhaps it was best said by Confucius "Silence is the true friend that never betrays."
Please wish me luck with this experiment of mine...& Eric as he has to put up with me :-)
Blessed be, Love and light
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