The blessing of being sick, in my case a cold, is that you have a lot of time to sit on your bum doing nothing but thinking. During my days of stuffy nosed meditation a thought continues to bounce around in my head…Why do we love to be miserable, to be stressed, to be sad?
When we are happy we rarely call our close friends and say “I just wanted to call and say how great my life is” but a fight with a beau or a crap day at work and the phone lines light up.
My theory is this:
Allowing yourself the luxury of wallowing is one that is so seductive that many of us stay there for years at a time. Our friends call us when we are sad, our mothers make us soup when we are sick and our partners listen to us and hold us in the way we wish we could be listened to and held every day.
Unfortunately at some point friends will get bored of being supportive, mothers will find another chick to take care of and partners may be tempted to find some little hotty who isn’t so needy to occupy there time. Even if you survive this abandonment by the ones you love and continue with your pity party the universe, who is sick to death of all the whining, will get fed up and really give you something to whine about. Is it really worth it?
So to all of you who are feeling miserable, stressed, or sad, I BEG you to see the good in your life and say thanks for them everyday.
Life can be hard and I certainly am not diminishing that struggle or your feelings. All I ask is that you have a good cry, eat something inappropriate and take a deep breath because negativity breads negativity and until you decide to smile and make the best of your situation you are just asking for trouble.
Best of luck to all of you fellow wallowers and Thank You to all the positive people in my life who listen to whining for a short while and then kick my ass back into my blessed reality.
Love and light.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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