Saturdays have always been a favorite of mine but now even more so. Eric and I get up each Saturday, go for a swim, have coffee and then head out to our local stables. It is only a 10 minute drive on lovely country roads but it is one that I look forward to each week.
This morning was particularly wonderful as the sky was bright blue with a few fluffy clouds and slashes of pink carelessly discarded by the sun rise. The air was cool and crisp and the sun stunningly bright.
We are greeted by the sound of birds singing and a horse calling out from his stable. The quiet of our early arrival is soon replaced with the bustle of other riders eagerly awaiting their equine fix.
It is on these precious Saturday mornings that I am confirmed in my belief that I am truly a country girl. Arriving back to our little house on a quiet street in Victoria, my resolve to one day live full time in the country and be around horses every day is as vivid as the sun this morning. With our goals securely set and our desire for country living driving us forward I know that the dream Eric and I share will be realized. For now though; I am content with my Saturday piece-of-heaven and perhaps just one more cup of coffee.