There are times in life that seem incredibly dark. Times where you feel that no matter what you do you simply can't make things better than they are. You dream of a life that would fulfill your soul and would leave you feeling proud at the end of each day but somehow no matter the prayers you whisper, the goals you set, the money you save, and the hours you put in your dreams are left as nothing more than whispers and wishes spoken to the moon.
I have always believed that the challenges we face in life are gifts wrapped in heartache. That when you peal back the difficult situation or challenge, you are left with the gift of greater wisdom, greater strength, and a chance to make a better situation for yourself. This belief will not change despite the challenges that I am now facing. Some how my dreams of being a mother, owning a business, living a country life style and leaving this world a better place than I found it will come to fruition. I know this because I have Faith and because I have my wonderful husband at my side and when I falter I know he will pick me up and carry my dreams forward until I have the strength to carry them on again my self. They say that love can overcome everything and now more than ever, I believe that this is true.
Keep your faith strong and meet each challenge with the most positivity you can muster. I will do the same and I have the feeling we will all see our dreams materialize some how.
Blessed be, Love and light,
Friday, April 27, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thirty v's Thirties
I am 2 days away from my 31st birthday and I find my self feeling anxious about my lifes progress and the progression of my dreams into realities. When I turned 30 I found that it was a very easy feeling. The beginning of a new decade of my life with so many possibilities. Here I am a year later and I have realized that I am now IN my thirties rather than just 30 and it is a very different feeling. Don't get me wrong I am not heading into a mid-life crisis or anything but I am noticing that time is flying by and I may not be using it to the best of my abilities.
Feeling accomplished is at the corner stone of many peoples identities. For instance when you meet someone they ask your name and what you do, not who you are within your soul. The lack of accomplishment in the last year made me panic this morning as I pondered my up coming birthday and I realized that while on paper I have done very little this year in regards to career or money, the progress of my soul has been astonishing!
Over the last year I over came my fear of further education and realized that I can easily learn new things and am in fact "book smart", I have written at least a dozen songs and even recorded a couple, flipped a condo, dedicated myself to horse riding again and learning to do it properly, painted Goddess knows how many paintings (5-10 of which are worth framing and could actually be sold), started to garden, trained a new puppy, started a compalation of short stories, and the highlight....fallen head over heals in love and married the most wonderful man!
As far as years go this one has been AMAZING!!!!!
So while I am yet to publish a book, show my art in a major gallery, sell one of my songs to a international singing sensation, or open my own business, I think I have done quite well....
Who knows where I'll be at 32!
Blessed be, love and light
Feeling accomplished is at the corner stone of many peoples identities. For instance when you meet someone they ask your name and what you do, not who you are within your soul. The lack of accomplishment in the last year made me panic this morning as I pondered my up coming birthday and I realized that while on paper I have done very little this year in regards to career or money, the progress of my soul has been astonishing!
Over the last year I over came my fear of further education and realized that I can easily learn new things and am in fact "book smart", I have written at least a dozen songs and even recorded a couple, flipped a condo, dedicated myself to horse riding again and learning to do it properly, painted Goddess knows how many paintings (5-10 of which are worth framing and could actually be sold), started to garden, trained a new puppy, started a compalation of short stories, and the highlight....fallen head over heals in love and married the most wonderful man!
As far as years go this one has been AMAZING!!!!!
So while I am yet to publish a book, show my art in a major gallery, sell one of my songs to a international singing sensation, or open my own business, I think I have done quite well....
Who knows where I'll be at 32!
Blessed be, love and light
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Living in Happiness
Six days since my last post and I don't think I have ever had so much time pass since the beginning of my blogging adventure. Though the desire to write was with me I found that I felt I had very little to say that may of been of interest so I prowled back into the comfort of my own mind and curled up with a good book waiting to be inspired.
So what, you may ask, has drawn me out of my cave and back to the keyboard?
Happiness is the answer!
Happiness and the lack of it that so many people experience.
It is, in my mind, a tricky emotion. One that is as vague as love itself. For although it is seen as a simple smile and is spoken of without another thought, the essence of happiness eludes many except in brief slivers of joy that break up the monotony of no feeling at all.
For me happiness is an emotion that I had to learn to sustain. Being a child who was sensitive and aware of her surroundings from a very tender age, allowed me to take on the shadowed emotions that plague us as adults due to stress and responsibility. I found myself feeling frivolous if I played and laughed too much as it seemed unfair that I should have so much joy when those I loved struggled with tolls I was too young to fully understand.
Through that time and then difficult situations as I grew, I formed a hardened shell around my heart and found that I was left wanting for another life. I lived in the state of wanting for many years and it is only now that I understand that when you live in a perpetual state of want, you stop yourself from living in a state of continued happiness as happiness can only live in the moment.
While I still pursue my dreams and goals with all the passion I can muster I do not live in a state of want as I am grateful for all that I have and in that gratefulness I can feel happiness.
Overcoming the obscurity of this simple emotion has also taught me to open myself to a world of other emotions such as appreciation, peacefulness, and acceptance.
I spent too many of my thirty years on this earth working against my life and trying to mold it into the image I thought would allow me happiness. Yet the moment I stopped working against the life I have and enjoyed it as it is, happiness took over and freed me from the want I was submersed in.
I know that to many of you this may sound like a lot of hocus pocus bull shit but the truth is that you only have two options in this life......
To pursue your dreams from a place of want
To pursue them from a place of gratefulness.
Only one will bring you joy on a daily basis and give you the strength to see your dreams through to fruition. That is the choice I make.
I wish you well with your choice.
Blessed be. Love and Light,
So what, you may ask, has drawn me out of my cave and back to the keyboard?
Happiness is the answer!
Happiness and the lack of it that so many people experience.
It is, in my mind, a tricky emotion. One that is as vague as love itself. For although it is seen as a simple smile and is spoken of without another thought, the essence of happiness eludes many except in brief slivers of joy that break up the monotony of no feeling at all.
For me happiness is an emotion that I had to learn to sustain. Being a child who was sensitive and aware of her surroundings from a very tender age, allowed me to take on the shadowed emotions that plague us as adults due to stress and responsibility. I found myself feeling frivolous if I played and laughed too much as it seemed unfair that I should have so much joy when those I loved struggled with tolls I was too young to fully understand.
Through that time and then difficult situations as I grew, I formed a hardened shell around my heart and found that I was left wanting for another life. I lived in the state of wanting for many years and it is only now that I understand that when you live in a perpetual state of want, you stop yourself from living in a state of continued happiness as happiness can only live in the moment.
While I still pursue my dreams and goals with all the passion I can muster I do not live in a state of want as I am grateful for all that I have and in that gratefulness I can feel happiness.
Overcoming the obscurity of this simple emotion has also taught me to open myself to a world of other emotions such as appreciation, peacefulness, and acceptance.
I spent too many of my thirty years on this earth working against my life and trying to mold it into the image I thought would allow me happiness. Yet the moment I stopped working against the life I have and enjoyed it as it is, happiness took over and freed me from the want I was submersed in.
I know that to many of you this may sound like a lot of hocus pocus bull shit but the truth is that you only have two options in this life......
To pursue your dreams from a place of want
To pursue them from a place of gratefulness.
Only one will bring you joy on a daily basis and give you the strength to see your dreams through to fruition. That is the choice I make.
I wish you well with your choice.
Blessed be. Love and Light,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Things That Go Bump in the Garden
Warm Spring sunshine, a cool breeze and the gentle song of my wind chimes fill the garden with tranquility at the moment. Birds sing and chirp from all the trees and my cat Grey-El has taken to sunning himself on the front step so he can accost me for pets the moment my shoveling takes a pause.
Gardening has become my new labor of love and I look forward to planning each change that I make and watering my new little plants, but there is a dark force working in the shadows. A sinister side to the garden that only emerges when you start poking around in it......
It is the creepy crawlies!!!!!
Okay, so those of you who know me personally may not be shocked by my bug filled nightmares.
It is quite well known that my "I am woman hear me roar" attitude turns into "I am a squeamish little girl" routine the second something flies, jumps, or crawls on me but I didn't realize just how many times I would have to face my fears taking up this new hobby of mine.
So far I have had to slowly make friends with:
Perhaps this is a lesson that is far greater than just my own learning to garden and over come bug related fears.
Perhaps the real lesson, for me and those of you reading this, is that despite things scaring us because they are different from us they each have a place in this world. They are each a part of our environment and this delicate ecosystem called earth.
Tolerance is a beautiful gift to give our environment, our fellow human beings and our selves. If we learn to give this gift freely than we may be so lucky to receive it in return.
If you are interested in learning about the environment around you and how you can be more tolerant and less harmful to it please check out the Nature Conservancy of Canada's website.
Blessed Be. Love and Light.
Gardening has become my new labor of love and I look forward to planning each change that I make and watering my new little plants, but there is a dark force working in the shadows. A sinister side to the garden that only emerges when you start poking around in it......
It is the creepy crawlies!!!!!
Okay, so those of you who know me personally may not be shocked by my bug filled nightmares.
It is quite well known that my "I am woman hear me roar" attitude turns into "I am a squeamish little girl" routine the second something flies, jumps, or crawls on me but I didn't realize just how many times I would have to face my fears taking up this new hobby of mine.
So far I have had to slowly make friends with:
- The biggest earth worms known to man:
Of which I have thousands and which is supposed to be very good for my soil! - Ugly fat grub things:
Which I thought were bad so I would use my shovel to chuck them on the path but it turns out that they are good so I now leave them be but the crows who would helpfully eat the grubs are totally pissed and scream bloody murder at me whenever I am outside. - A nest of ants:
That thought me very rude when I turned over a random paving stone and in the process destroyed years of tunnels and work. - And last but not least a freaking black widow spider:
Who I must admit was (in the 30 seconds I was frozen in place before screaming and running like a gay man being forced into polyester) very striking and quite glamorous to look at.
Perhaps this is a lesson that is far greater than just my own learning to garden and over come bug related fears.
Perhaps the real lesson, for me and those of you reading this, is that despite things scaring us because they are different from us they each have a place in this world. They are each a part of our environment and this delicate ecosystem called earth.
Tolerance is a beautiful gift to give our environment, our fellow human beings and our selves. If we learn to give this gift freely than we may be so lucky to receive it in return.
If you are interested in learning about the environment around you and how you can be more tolerant and less harmful to it please check out the Nature Conservancy of Canada's website.
Blessed Be. Love and Light.
My Ramblings,
self awareness,
Meeting Muriel
I was working in the front garden a couple of days ago when a lady passed by and commented on my progression so far. I was ready for a rest after weeding and being bent over for what seemed like days so I went over to meet Muriel and thank her for her comments.
I find gaging someones age very difficult but I could see from her soft leathered skin, wrinkled hands, and wind blown Grey hair that she was in her later years but her eyes shone brightly and she was very bright and animated in our conversation. Later she mentioned that she was coming up to her 70th birthday!
As our house is close to an assisted living complex I see lots of older people and it makes me smile to see the ones that are getting out and about rather than spending their lives indoors waiting to die. Muriel for instance is an avid outdoors woman and made me laugh when she said that she is bored not working any longer and has no desire to hang out with all the "old people" as she called them, so she walks for miles everyday and bird watches in different parks.
Muriel then told me about when she had learned to garden. Muriel is from London and was a child in WWII. Everyone was on rash ens during and after the war so learning to grow your own food was essential and encouraged by the government. She took those skills and built on them throughout her life, growing her own food and also gardening as a job when she moved to Canada. Gardening had always been a very important part of her life and she was very pleased to see i was making it a part of mine.
Muriel went on to tell me how wonderful dandelions are and how they can be eaten in so many ways (roots, leaves, flowers) and that organic gardening is the only way to go.
Yesterday I found a note in my letterbox from Muriel along with a organic gardening flyer. She underlined points of interest based on our conversation and I was thrilled to see that she had pointed out books for me to read, conservation and organic gardening meetings I can go to and websites I can use for research. The websites really made me smile as I love seeing older people embracing new ways of life and communication. Muriel is a hip broad!
Through talking with Muriel I see how much I could learn from this woman. Growing food, organic gardening, taking care of yourself and your family when your country is in political upheaval, how being a educated woman is crucial, and it makes me sad to think that her knowledge and that of so many like her is not cherished and passed on but is just left in exchange for our fast consumer privileged life styles. Well, not me. I will take any opportunity I get to talk with Muriel. To learn from her and hear her stories and I know that I will be a better person for it.
Blessed be to you all. Blessed be to my new friend Muriel!
I find gaging someones age very difficult but I could see from her soft leathered skin, wrinkled hands, and wind blown Grey hair that she was in her later years but her eyes shone brightly and she was very bright and animated in our conversation. Later she mentioned that she was coming up to her 70th birthday!
As our house is close to an assisted living complex I see lots of older people and it makes me smile to see the ones that are getting out and about rather than spending their lives indoors waiting to die. Muriel for instance is an avid outdoors woman and made me laugh when she said that she is bored not working any longer and has no desire to hang out with all the "old people" as she called them, so she walks for miles everyday and bird watches in different parks.
Muriel then told me about when she had learned to garden. Muriel is from London and was a child in WWII. Everyone was on rash ens during and after the war so learning to grow your own food was essential and encouraged by the government. She took those skills and built on them throughout her life, growing her own food and also gardening as a job when she moved to Canada. Gardening had always been a very important part of her life and she was very pleased to see i was making it a part of mine.
Muriel went on to tell me how wonderful dandelions are and how they can be eaten in so many ways (roots, leaves, flowers) and that organic gardening is the only way to go.
Yesterday I found a note in my letterbox from Muriel along with a organic gardening flyer. She underlined points of interest based on our conversation and I was thrilled to see that she had pointed out books for me to read, conservation and organic gardening meetings I can go to and websites I can use for research. The websites really made me smile as I love seeing older people embracing new ways of life and communication. Muriel is a hip broad!
Through talking with Muriel I see how much I could learn from this woman. Growing food, organic gardening, taking care of yourself and your family when your country is in political upheaval, how being a educated woman is crucial, and it makes me sad to think that her knowledge and that of so many like her is not cherished and passed on but is just left in exchange for our fast consumer privileged life styles. Well, not me. I will take any opportunity I get to talk with Muriel. To learn from her and hear her stories and I know that I will be a better person for it.
Blessed be to you all. Blessed be to my new friend Muriel!
My Ramblings,
self awareness,
Monday, April 9, 2007
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:40, 12:41, 12:42...
The time goes so slowly when the rest of the world is sleeping and you simply can't join them. I'm not sure what it is that is playing on my mind but I find myself restless and unable to find peace in both my body and my thoughts.
My bed feels hard and my ,normally soft, sheets are scratchy on my naked skin.
The temperature in the room is perfectly imperfect.
Not hot enough to allow the freedom of no covers, not cold enough to allow me to bury in a blankets comforting embrace.
My mind races from image to image as stillness averts me dodging behind a repeating line in a song or one passage from a book just finished.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:46, 12:47, 12:48...
I reach out to find comfort in the body lying next to me. The body containing the soul that can always bring me peace.
But tonight the coolness of his shoulder makes me uneasy, the labor of his breath seems too loud and the hair upon his legs makes my body itch and squirm.
He reaches out from slumber to rest his foot on mine in a loving dreamy haze but the grumpy insomniac within me wants to kick him like a five year old and tell him to get on his own side.
"Mum he's touching me" flies through my mind and I can almost hear the words...
"If I have to pull this car over".
How funny it is that in our most frustrated and weary moments we can so easily resort to our inner child like emotions.
At 6 I was going on 12, at 12 I was going on 20 and now at 30 I am going on 6.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:54, 12:55, 12:56...
My key strokes come slowly and my eyes feel dry and sticky against my lids. Everything is fatigued and yet the frustration of not sleeping keeps me from my bed like a never ending circle.
Count sheep they say.
one, two, three.
I become board rather than tired so the sheep start dancing and then singing and now I have their song stuck in my head. AARRRGGGGHHHHH
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:59, 01:00, 01:01...
Another day has passed and I am still counting the minutes. Why is it sleep evades me?
Am I to witness something incredible in these early morning hours?
I walk to the window and look out to view the spectacle that I am being kept awake for....
But the street is quiet and not even a cat is passing under the lamp light.
I listen to the nights silence and realize that perhaps my insomnia is a gift after all.
For the quiet of the night is delicious and the breeze in the trees in our yard sings out a haunting lullaby that only sounds this sweet when the rest of the world has become still.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
01:06, 01:07 01:08...
Stillness overtakes me, my eyes soften, my mind releases and I am off to bed.
Tick-Tock goes the clock.
Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock
12:40, 12:41, 12:42...
The time goes so slowly when the rest of the world is sleeping and you simply can't join them. I'm not sure what it is that is playing on my mind but I find myself restless and unable to find peace in both my body and my thoughts.
My bed feels hard and my ,normally soft, sheets are scratchy on my naked skin.
The temperature in the room is perfectly imperfect.
Not hot enough to allow the freedom of no covers, not cold enough to allow me to bury in a blankets comforting embrace.
My mind races from image to image as stillness averts me dodging behind a repeating line in a song or one passage from a book just finished.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:46, 12:47, 12:48...
I reach out to find comfort in the body lying next to me. The body containing the soul that can always bring me peace.
But tonight the coolness of his shoulder makes me uneasy, the labor of his breath seems too loud and the hair upon his legs makes my body itch and squirm.
He reaches out from slumber to rest his foot on mine in a loving dreamy haze but the grumpy insomniac within me wants to kick him like a five year old and tell him to get on his own side.
"Mum he's touching me" flies through my mind and I can almost hear the words...
"If I have to pull this car over".
How funny it is that in our most frustrated and weary moments we can so easily resort to our inner child like emotions.
At 6 I was going on 12, at 12 I was going on 20 and now at 30 I am going on 6.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:54, 12:55, 12:56...
My key strokes come slowly and my eyes feel dry and sticky against my lids. Everything is fatigued and yet the frustration of not sleeping keeps me from my bed like a never ending circle.
Count sheep they say.
one, two, three.
I become board rather than tired so the sheep start dancing and then singing and now I have their song stuck in my head. AARRRGGGGHHHHH
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
12:59, 01:00, 01:01...
Another day has passed and I am still counting the minutes. Why is it sleep evades me?
Am I to witness something incredible in these early morning hours?
I walk to the window and look out to view the spectacle that I am being kept awake for....
But the street is quiet and not even a cat is passing under the lamp light.
I listen to the nights silence and realize that perhaps my insomnia is a gift after all.
For the quiet of the night is delicious and the breeze in the trees in our yard sings out a haunting lullaby that only sounds this sweet when the rest of the world has become still.
Tick-Tock goes the clock and I am still awake.
01:06, 01:07 01:08...
Stillness overtakes me, my eyes soften, my mind releases and I am off to bed.
Tick-Tock goes the clock.
Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock
Thursday, April 5, 2007
The World is not Black & White

If you have been brave enough to watch any of the graphic videos or to view any of the photos taken of the seal hunt I am sure that you will be as shocked and horrified as I am but don't forget that to every story their is another side. Every time we are horrified by a blood thirsty sight of a predator taking its prey we also have to understand that the predator has a story as well.
25-35% of the involved fisherman's income is derived from the seal hunt. These people have families to support and in the case of the Northern Aboriginal communities it is the food they put in their children's mouths.
The humane society is asking for people to take action and in support I, along with thousands of others, have committed to not buy Canadian seafood until the commercial seal hunt is abolished. I will stay true to my word but what I need to also ask my self is how is it that I can enjoy my evening meal of chicken or beef and not feel like a complete hypocrite.
Canada consumed 982,000 metric tonnes of chicken last year based on findings reported by the International Poultry Market Place and yet we are not protesting outside of every grocery store in the country.
Is one animal more deserving of life than another?
Is the seal pup anymore of a victim than the lamb or the calf that we so often serve at our tables?
I would not be so presumptuous as to tell another where to stand on this issue. I can barely understand where I stand on this issue myself but I do ask each of you to think about it. Don't just look away from the blood shed. You have been given the gift of choice so make it with a clear mind and an honest heart.
The world is not black and white but with each passing day it continues to be red.
Stained in the blood of our brothers, our sisters, our animals, and our environment.
Blessed Be.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Though my Mother never re-married after the divorce my Father did. He had two loves after my Mum. The first ended after many years and although my Dad was heart broken at the time it was also what allowed him to experience the true love of his life, Doug.
Doug and I met before he was my Dad's partner as he was friends with my Dad and my Mum through work. He was younger and full of a party animal spirit. He and I even went to a wedding together as he was friends with the bride and I was dating the Grooms son. Doug was wild and fun and searching for something. Blond hair, blue eyes and a big smile are how most saw Doug but behind the smile their was a slight shadow. You see it in many people if you look close enough. It is a part of themselves yet discovered and I could see that in Doug. I always wondered if he smiled when he was alone because to me that is the test of a truly happy person, if you smile when no one is watching.
Bringing together a conservative & proper business man with a party going aging wild child may not seem like a match made in heaven but here we are 17 years later and many of us look at their relationship and wish for a love as strong . I can also say with confidence that each of them now smiles when no one is watching.
My two Dads have the most amazing and positive effect on each other. Balancing out each others personality excesses and teaching one another to see the world through enlightened eyes.
In 1991 they stood before family, friends and curious on lookers and declared their love for one another in a Spiritual commitment ceremony. It was a wonderful summer day and laughter could be heard for miles around. A simple service conducted by Darrell, a family friend and United church minister, took place on the grass behind the swimming pool at our house and as they said "I do" we all knew we were witnessing something very special.
My Mum stood next to my Dad during the ceremony and acted as his best man. She never stopped loving my Dad as he really was the one and only love of her life but she beamed with joy that day and willingly handed over the keys to my Dads heart to Doug. He was the only person she would of trusted them to.
Doug was instantly a part of our family and it was hard to imagine that he hadn't always been so.
Being a step parent is never easy. Being a step parent to a precocious and head strong little redhead with a fiery temper is another story all together. But Doug handled it in his stride and always gave me enough rope to see the edge of the cliff without allowing me to actually hang myself.
As I have mentioned in other posts, I feel very blessed for my three parents. None of whom could of raised me alone but together they took the precocious, head strong, little redhead with a temper and grew a confident, loving, happy, larger redhead with a slightly more controlled temper.
Family doesn't come in a one size fits all box. It comes in multitude of shapes, sizes and colors. Mine just happens to be a rainbow.
Please take the time today to enjoy the many colors of your family.
Blessed Be, Love and Light.
Doug and I met before he was my Dad's partner as he was friends with my Dad and my Mum through work. He was younger and full of a party animal spirit. He and I even went to a wedding together as he was friends with the bride and I was dating the Grooms son. Doug was wild and fun and searching for something. Blond hair, blue eyes and a big smile are how most saw Doug but behind the smile their was a slight shadow. You see it in many people if you look close enough. It is a part of themselves yet discovered and I could see that in Doug. I always wondered if he smiled when he was alone because to me that is the test of a truly happy person, if you smile when no one is watching.
Bringing together a conservative & proper business man with a party going aging wild child may not seem like a match made in heaven but here we are 17 years later and many of us look at their relationship and wish for a love as strong . I can also say with confidence that each of them now smiles when no one is watching.
My two Dads have the most amazing and positive effect on each other. Balancing out each others personality excesses and teaching one another to see the world through enlightened eyes.
In 1991 they stood before family, friends and curious on lookers and declared their love for one another in a Spiritual commitment ceremony. It was a wonderful summer day and laughter could be heard for miles around. A simple service conducted by Darrell, a family friend and United church minister, took place on the grass behind the swimming pool at our house and as they said "I do" we all knew we were witnessing something very special.
My Mum stood next to my Dad during the ceremony and acted as his best man. She never stopped loving my Dad as he really was the one and only love of her life but she beamed with joy that day and willingly handed over the keys to my Dads heart to Doug. He was the only person she would of trusted them to.
Doug was instantly a part of our family and it was hard to imagine that he hadn't always been so.
Being a step parent is never easy. Being a step parent to a precocious and head strong little redhead with a fiery temper is another story all together. But Doug handled it in his stride and always gave me enough rope to see the edge of the cliff without allowing me to actually hang myself.
As I have mentioned in other posts, I feel very blessed for my three parents. None of whom could of raised me alone but together they took the precocious, head strong, little redhead with a temper and grew a confident, loving, happy, larger redhead with a slightly more controlled temper.
Family doesn't come in a one size fits all box. It comes in multitude of shapes, sizes and colors. Mine just happens to be a rainbow.
Please take the time today to enjoy the many colors of your family.
Blessed Be, Love and Light.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Just Kidding!!!!!
Happy April Fools Day.
No we are not moving to Montana and no there are not any Pink Silkie Chickens.
No we are not moving to Montana and no there are not any Pink Silkie Chickens.
Exciting News!!!

It is with overwhelming excitement and mild trepidation that I announce some exciting news!!!!
Since early February Eric and I have been in negotiations with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth to take over their chicken farm in Montana. Last night we came to a verbal agreement and on Tuesday we will sign our old life away.
My love for chickens developed as a child when visiting my Grandparents farm. Every morning I would get up early to the sounds of a rooster so I could help to feed the hens and collect the eggs. When my Dads moved to Mission, BC they inherited a group of ducks and feeding them each morning brought back the desire to be involved with birds of some kind.
Eric and I have been wanting to find a way into a farm life so when he found an add for a small farm for sale we decided to get the details. Mr. and Mrs. Roth have been breeding specialty 'pink' silkies since 1985 but have only had this new color recognized for 2 years and have since won many prizes for their beautiful birds. Silkie hens were developed in the Orient, probably in Japan. The feathers don't have barbs or quills, and the birds look and feel like Persian cats! Some of the varieties are Black, Blue, Buff, Partridge, Silver-grey, White and now thanks to the Roths a soft blush color known as Pinks. Interesting characteristics of the breed are its 5 toes and black skin. They also have walnut combs, which should be a deep mulberry approaching black. Silkie hens are among the best to use as broodies if you want to hatch your eggs out under hens. They make wonderful mothers and on occasion a silkie rooster will steal a brood of very young chicks and raise them himself -- this is a very nurturing breed. It is in fact the nurturing characteristic of the silkies that convinced Eric to give up his computer career and agree to buy the farm.
While living in the USA is something I never thought I would do, this opportunity is just too good to pass up. It will allow Eric and I to work together and raise our family of pink hens. All the details of our exciting move will be posted soon once we get it all finalized.
Wish us luck!!!!
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