Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thirty v's Thirties

I am 2 days away from my 31st birthday and I find my self feeling anxious about my lifes progress and the progression of my dreams into realities. When I turned 30 I found that it was a very easy feeling. The beginning of a new decade of my life with so many possibilities. Here I am a year later and I have realized that I am now IN my thirties rather than just 30 and it is a very different feeling. Don't get me wrong I am not heading into a mid-life crisis or anything but I am noticing that time is flying by and I may not be using it to the best of my abilities.

Feeling accomplished is at the corner stone of many peoples identities. For instance when you meet someone they ask your name and what you do, not who you are within your soul. The lack of accomplishment in the last year made me panic this morning as I pondered my up coming birthday and I realized that while on paper I have done very little this year in regards to career or money, the progress of my soul has been astonishing!

Over the last year I over came my fear of further education and realized that I can easily learn new things and am in fact "book smart", I have written at least a dozen songs and even recorded a couple, flipped a condo, dedicated myself to horse riding again and learning to do it properly, painted Goddess knows how many paintings (5-10 of which are worth framing and could actually be sold), started to garden, trained a new puppy, started a compalation of short stories, and the highlight....fallen head over heals in love and married the most wonderful man!
As far as years go this one has been AMAZING!!!!!

So while I am yet to publish a book, show my art in a major gallery, sell one of my songs to a international singing sensation, or open my own business, I think I have done quite well....
Who knows where I'll be at 32!

Blessed be, love and light

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