If you have been brave enough to watch any of the graphic videos or to view any of the photos taken of the seal hunt I am sure that you will be as shocked and horrified as I am but don't forget that to every story their is another side. Every time we are horrified by a blood thirsty sight of a predator taking its prey we also have to understand that the predator has a story as well.
25-35% of the involved fisherman's income is derived from the seal hunt. These people have families to support and in the case of the Northern Aboriginal communities it is the food they put in their children's mouths.
The humane society is asking for people to take action and in support I, along with thousands of others, have committed to not buy Canadian seafood until the commercial seal hunt is abolished. I will stay true to my word but what I need to also ask my self is how is it that I can enjoy my evening meal of chicken or beef and not feel like a complete hypocrite.
Canada consumed 982,000 metric tonnes of chicken last year based on findings reported by the International Poultry Market Place and yet we are not protesting outside of every grocery store in the country.
Is one animal more deserving of life than another?
Is the seal pup anymore of a victim than the lamb or the calf that we so often serve at our tables?
I would not be so presumptuous as to tell another where to stand on this issue. I can barely understand where I stand on this issue myself but I do ask each of you to think about it. Don't just look away from the blood shed. You have been given the gift of choice so make it with a clear mind and an honest heart.
The world is not black and white but with each passing day it continues to be red.
Stained in the blood of our brothers, our sisters, our animals, and our environment.
Blessed Be.
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