Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Summer Time For an English Rose

Remember back in late January when you thought winter would never end. Or in early march when the sun was starting to shine a little but it was all a trick because you would go out side only to realize it was still really cold. It was back during those days that many of us dreamed of summer. We let our minds wonder to the heavy scents of blooming flowers, the sounds of the ocean at the beach and the joy of feeling the warm sun on your bare skin.

Well here we are and the reality is that at 7:30am this morning it was already 26 degrees out and that by noon we'll be in the thirties. Yesterday afternoon it was 31 degrees in my house and my brain has gone on strike due to heat exhaustion.

Summer for a pale English rose such as I means wearing a hat all the time, being slathered from head to toe in 45+ sun block and still dealing with getting burnt in the 3.8 seconds that I risk going outside between the hours of 8am and 8pm.

Is it too much to ask to have the basic requirements in life? I mean really what is a little central air and a swimming pool between friends :-)

Yes winter seems a long time ago. A long time since I dreamed of the sultry sumer nights that in reality are too freaking hot to get anything more than sticky and sweaty. A long time since I dreamed of looking into the star filled summer night (without being harassed by 50,000 mosquitoes). And a long time since I dreamed of the heavy scent of the summer bloom which in reality is burnt and dry and barely hanging on to its petals.

Oh well! Life is not so bad.......only 166 days to Christmas.

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