Monday, May 14, 2007

Take a Chance, See an Angel

When we were young most of us thought nothing of going off to a new friends house or going to a place we'd never been before but often as we age we become less social, more comfy in our small group of close friends, our families, and our co-workers. We reach out far less to the stranger on the street who we instantly feel a strange connection to and rarely invite people into our homes but recently I was introduced to 2 people who break this mold and trust their instincts about people.

This lovely couple were given my name by my Father who thought we may like meeting each other and after a quick phone conversation my husband I were invited to their home for dinner. I'm a very private person and while I love to meet new people my first reaction to an invite like this is typically no BUT on this occasion both Eric and I said yes with abandon and are so glad that we did.
We followed our intuition that these people were people we needed to meet and we are so grateful that we listened to that inner voice. The evening we spent with this bright and warm couple and their wonderful friends re-ignited a passion in me to find a project to work on, to become clearer in my thoughts about the type of community I want to be a part of and opened a flood gate of ideas in my mind and heart.

Now looking back on the last few years I can see that every time I have taken a chance and had a conversation with someone that I typically wouldn't of, I have been given a great gift and a joy-filled memory that I will carry for a life time.

I remember a couple of years ago, sitting in a coffee house in a soft cozy arm chair by the fireplace. I never seem to be gifted with the "primo" spot in a coffee shop but this time I had snagged the best seat in the place and was lingering over my coffee and scone. I was a million miles away when an elderly man came up and asked if I minded him taking the arm chair opposite me and sharing my table. He was thin with long gray hair and beard, carrying an old beat up back pack and looked like he'd been living on the street. He also had the most lively Aztec blue eyes I'd ever seen and a smashing smile that you could get lost in, so I offered my table and let him know that I was almost finished anyway and would be leaving in a couple of minutes. Instead of rushing through the last of my coffee, as I had intended to do, I ended up sitting for almost an hour chatting with one of the most fascinating people I have ever had the honor of meeting. The old man was actually a song writer and author who spent 9 months out of each year trecking through a different country. He was well into his seventies and the sun had deepened every line on this face like the cracked Arizona earth. He exuded life and the cliche of living every moment to the fullest. After sharing stories with each other and discussing everything from travel to religion, to his greatest love we bid farewell without ever even exchanging names yet there is no doubt that he will live eternally in my heart and I in his.

It is wonderful moments like this, moments that confirm your intuition, that spark your creativity, and leave you feeling more alive than you did a second before, that are the greatest gifts we can possibly be given. Many people ask why they are not sent an Angel by the God/Goddess to which they prey but I say; Look around. You are sent angels every day. They ride the bus with you, they live across the street and sometimes they invite you to dinner after a quick phone call or ask to sit with you in a coffee shop. We are surrounded by God's angels and to someone else we have the opportunity to be an angel as well.

Reach out, take a chance, listen to your inner voice!

Blessed be, Love and light,

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