Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life Path

A wonderful Spirit encased in a beautiful woman spoke to me recently about her path in life and how she was unsure of her life purpose. I have battled this myself many times and continue to on occasion but I have to ask myself if I battle this question because my path is unclear or if it is that I am unwilling to believe that the path I walk is what was destined to be.

The magic and mystic journeys
that exceptional souls walk are supported by those of us who build a foundation of faith and joy for ourselves and our family’s everyday.

Does that make us less wondrous or our path have lesser meaning?

I hope not.
To live a faith-filled life, what ever faith that may be, and to find happiness within yourself is a journey I believe to be of true magic and mysticism.
I wish you all a happy journey on your paths.
Love and Light

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