Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I am reading a book at the moment on being a Wild Witch and Green Spirituality. I'm always interested in different faiths and after doing a little reading on Wicca last year I was interested to find this book and see the differences. For instance, in Green Spirituality there is no Deity to worship just an acceptance that we are part of the creator energy and that there are different Spirits that we can pray to to assist us in certain areas of our lives. We prayer for their knowledge and guidance and in return we give their wisdom a voice here on earth. In this way it is an equal exchange of energy rather than a gift being bestowed upon us by a God or Goddess.
Now whether this is my belief or yours is not what I gleaned most out of my reading thus far but what really struck me is to live a magical life. Not with spells and potions but to see the magic in the everyday. It may be witnessing a flower spring up through the sidewalk in a concrete jungle, or feeling a refreshing rain just when your soul felt dry. Perhaps it is carefully making a healing soup for a sick friend and putting love into the broth along with a bay leaf or finding joy in a chore that you normally hate to do.
We live in a spectacular world that is filled with every day magic if we are just open to experiencing it. For me this is a wonderful view to take and one I will certainly adopt.

I hope you to have a wonderful and magical day.
Blessed be. Love and light,

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