Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A visit from my Mum

Last night I had the most wonderful dream...

Eric and I were at my grandparents farm in England with all of our family and friends. We were going to be getting married at the farm and everyone was sleeping on couches, floors, and spilling out of the spare rooms. The best part of the dream was that my mother was there. In the dream she was living somewhere glamorous in Europe and had flown in to spend time with us before the big day. She looked smashing in a fitted suite and extremely high heals. Mum gave me a watch and brought me some shoes (This seemed significant at the time) ????. Then her and I crept into the kitchen while everyone else was sleeping and sat with a pot of coffee catching up.

The reason that this dream was so amazing is because my Mum passed away 15 years ago. Since her death I have had many dreams where she was there but very few in which she was a main part of the dream. Her energy normally just sits at the edges making herself known but not actually participating. Sometimes I will go for months without her showing up at the edge of my dreams and I have always hoped that this meant her Spirit were off having a wonderful adventure. I'd also like to think that us catching up over a pot of coffee last night in my dream was a way of her sharing all she had been up to.
Thank you for your night time visits Mum. You remind me to live my own adventures. I love you!

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